Level 2 Electrician

We Are Experienced & Professionals Level 2 Electricians
A Level 2 electrician is an electrical service professional authorised to connect a residential or commercial premise to and from the electricity grid. Due to the heightened risk of this type of electrical work, not all electricians are able to do this.
Level 2 electricians can disconnect and connect power supply to a premise if it is undergoing substantial renovations, and can setup temporary electrical power for builders etc. Prime Spark Electrical provides residential, commercial, industrial and 24 hour emergency call out electrical services throughout the Sydney region. We have over 10 years’ experience in the electrical industry and pride ourselves on delivering high quality workmanship.

Certified Sydney Level Two Electricians
As per Australian and NSW legislation, if you have received an electrical defect notice. You are legally required to seek out only a level two electrician as per the ASP Level 2 Scheme. These electricians must have completed a Certificate Of Compliance for Electrical Work. They also carry out all electrical repairs under the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Safety) Act 2017 and the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Safety) Regulation 2018. Every member of our team, possesses all of these qualifications and are authorised to carry out level 2 repairs by NSW Fair Trading.

24hr Level 2 Electricians - Available Around The Clock!
With over 10 years of providing Level 2 Electrical services. We always show up on time and we will keep you updated on our progress in straight-forward terms. Call us now for a FREE quote.
Our Prime Spark Electrical team are fully qualified level 2 electricians and are experienced in a variety of electrical services. We provide residential electrician work, commercial electrical work and are your go to for 24 hour electrician. Looking for a “level 2 electrician near me”? Our call out electrician services are located throughout the Sydney region and are ideal when in need of an urgent electrical services. If you are looking for reliable, friendly and professional electricians for anywhere in Sydney then make sure to contact Prime Spark Electrical. We have Sydney covered with our electrical team available for round the clock electrical services and can be on your property within 60 minutes!

Do You Need A L2 Electrician?
If you’re not quite sure whether you require a Level 2 Electrical contractor. Put your concerns to rest because the team at Prime Spark Electrical are equipped to carry out all manner of electrical work from general electrical through to emergency electrical services. Electrical Level 2 is one of the highest electrical qualifications available. Prime Spark Electrical can do everything a general electrician can and more.
For immediate response, give us a call now and we’ll have your electrical systems back up and running in no time at all. We recognise the importance of safe and reliable access to electricity for everyday life. This is why we provide a rapid response emergency service. On average, our 24 hour emergency electrician response times are on an average of 60 minutes or less from placing a call.
Why Choose Prime Spark Electricians for Level 2 Services?
- We’ve been in business 10+ years
- Fully Certified and Insured Level 2 Electricians
- Focus on Quality Workmanship and Best Quality Materials
- Highly Experienced and level 2 qualified electricians
- Our Work comes with a quality guarantee
- Up-front pricing – No bill shock
- We also are a 24 hour Emergency Electrician
In need of a level 2 electrician? Call Prime Spark Electrical team now on 0401 421 541 and we’ll dispatch the next available ASP Level 2 Electrician within 60 minutes or less!
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What Does A Level 2 ASP Mean?
Electricians in Australia must go through advanced training and certification in order to work on different types of jobs. Sydney electricians must hold an ASP (Accredited & Authorised Service Provider) qualification provided by Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy under the Electricity Supply Act 1995. Electricians can be certified at 3 different levels.
Level 1 ASP Electricians
Electricians holding this certification are permitted to connect residential and commercial properties to electricity network. They are free to extend your network capacity as well as perform electrical installations, electrical repairs and electrical maintenance to your residential and commercial electrical systems. Some of the specific tasks Level 1 ASP electricians can complete include:
- Class 1A: Hanging, laying and jointing electricity cables
- Class 1A: Assembling electricity poles and private power poles
- Class 1B: Excavating underground cables trenches
- Class 1C: Working with live electric cables
- Class 1C: Constructing and working within electrical distributions substations
Level 2 ASP Electricians
This specialist electrical services qualification enables l2 electricians to work on live electrical services whether they be overhead or underground. Working on the electrical supply network requires advanced knowledge of safety as well as specialist knowledge due to the danger and complicated procedures involved. Those with level 2 electrical qualification can also perform electrical installations, electrical repairs and electrical maintenance works. Some of the specific work a Level 2 ASP is qualified to completed includes:
Class 2A: Disconnecting and reconnecting service lines at the point of attachment
- Commonly referred to as D&R (disconnect and reconnect), this electrical service involves operating directly on electrical service lines which supply a building with power.
- You may require this service after having receiving an electrical defect notice. Your property could have received this defect notice for a number of reasons
- These can include your property having issues with upgrading consumer mains, point of attachment, point connection and private power pole connection.
Class 2B: Working on underground service conductors and wiring systems
- Replacing and removing local electricity distributors
- Installing, relocating, upgrading and connecting underground service lines
- Replacing service protection devices and neutral wiring links
Class 2C: Working on overhead service conductors and lines
- Replacing and removing a local electrical distributor
- Installing, relocating, upgrading and connecting overhead service lines
- Replacing overhead service protection devices and neutral wiring links
Class 2D: Working with network service equipment such as service protection device and fuses
- Replacing and removing network service equipment
- Installing, relocating, upgrading and connecting service protection devices and fuse
- Energising service network equipment
- ASPs can only carry out this service if they are a provider with the Australian Energy Marketing Operator (AEMO)
We specialise in offering Sydney level 2 electrical services here at The Prime Spark Electrical!
Level 3 ASP Electricians
This base qualification only allows an electrician to deal with the design and distribution of an electricity network either underground or overhead. Level 3 electricians are not permitted to perform connections, installations, maintenance or repair works. Some of the work a Level 3 Asp can carry out includes
- Class 3A: designing overhead electricity networks
- Class 3B: designing underground electricity networks

Frequently Asked Level 2 Electrician Questions!
Why Have I Received An Electrical Defect Notice?
If you have a received an electrical defect notice this is because Ausgrid or Endeavour Energy have deemed your property’s electrical connections to be un unsafe. Only level 2 electricians can resolve these notices. You must get this issue fixed within 30 days, or risk all electrical power being turned off. If you have received an electrical defect notice, contact us and we will send an immediate technician.
What Is a Level 2 Electrician Compared To A Normal Electrician?
A level 2 electrician is a specially trained electrician that can connect and disconnect property to and from the electricity grid. This includes above and underground work. They are different to normal electricians as they have more qualifications.
Can I Perform Level 2 Electrical Repairs On My Own?
As level 2 electrical repairs require direct contact to the electricity grid it is extremely dangerous and should not be performed by anyone other than a level 2 electrician. Even a normal electrician cannot carry out these repairs. A level 2 electrician’s qualifications are detailed on the ASP level 2 electrician scheme.
If I Smell Electricity Burning, What Should I Do?
If you smell electricity burning you should contact Prime Spark Electrical for an emergency electricity. The reasons for this burning smell may be due to loose circuit breaker wires, overloaded wiring or faulty circuit breakers.
When Does My Electrical Equipment Need An Upgrade?
Your circuit breaker will need an upgrade when it becomes faulty due to wear and tear or an electrical issue. You should always get frequent electrical checks to ensure optimal performance. We proudly offer a FREE electrical inspection on each job.
I Need A Private Power Pole Installed?
Only level 2 electricians can install private power poles due to danger in the connection and point of attachment. If a tree has fallen on your power pole and you now have a point of attachment issue, then The Prime Spark Electrician’s highly trained L2 technicians can carry out these installations and repairs across Sydney.
What Does A Level 2 Electrician Do?
Some of the work a licensed level 2 electrician can carry out include repairing damaged cables and consumer mains, new installations, vir cables, electrical upgrades and replacements and even providing a temporary power supply!
What Is An Electricity Meter?
A meter is used to measure your household’s gas and electricity consumption. The average Australian household typically uses a single phase meter whereas apartment complexes may not be able to access theirs. If you need any help with your electricity meters you can contact The Prime Spark Electrician.
What Is An Electrical Tariff?
An electrical tariff is an amount charged to you in order to provide energy under your property’s contract. They are either located on the second or back page of your electricity bill and include both fixed and variable charges. A single rate tariff is suitable for home’s with relatively high energy usage.